Monday, May 16, 2005

Son of a bitch.

I'm writing in from my laptop. My desktop has been strange for a few days, and yesterday was very bad. The day before that I'd backed up my more important pieces of writing and uploaded them to my ftp, so hopefully I still have access to them (last time I did that one file didn't work).

Why would I lack access through the desktop? The crash before bed last night was apparently too much, and now some super important system file's gone. The computer doesn't realize it has a C: drive, for all purposes. Maybe I'll dig around, try to find an XP disc, and see if I can't work something out. Since I'm wanting to buy a new computer anyway maybe I'll toddle along on this (provided my stories come out all right) and replace it when I get back from England. Since most of my important files were on the F: drive (not the drive what I load Windows from) I can probably slave that to the new computer (if that happens) and retrieve everything.

Of course, all the Tenacious D I worked at downloading last night's gone again, though it turns out I have "Take on Me" on this computer. I didn't have it on the other. Interesting.

If you want a general summer update, nothing's going on, really. We have a TiVo now, so I'm watching a lot of Macguyver.


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