Tuesday, August 02, 2005

A few articles

For the few of you (possibly only the one of you) that might have missed my article-compiling posts of yesteryear - they're back!

First, a note to all of you still using Internet Explorer: Stop it. Pulled from Slashdot, this article on Windows IT Pro calls for the boycott of IE7. Paul Thurrot cites a refusal on Microsoft's part to give in and support standards of HTML and other net-authoring that have become commonplace. He recommends Firefox, but also has good things to say about Opera and Safari (of course, you need a Mac to use Safari).

From BoingBoing I learned about Hel Looks, a web site that chronicles street fashions in Helsinki. Personally, I noticed that women (I wasn't spending much time looking at the men) in Britain were more attractive, and cobbled together a few theories - accent might play a part, but mostly I think it was, as the BoingBoing article puts it for the Helsinki folks, the lack of a tendency to "dress in highly stylized flocks." Also, it seemed there was less emphasis on make-up, but maybe they were just better at it. I'll finish up with ranting about cultural differences now.

Yesterday I stumbled upon an article from Making Light on acquiring literary agents. A few of you might be interested in such an article, so there you are.


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