Wednesday, December 28, 2005

". . . I've got more hits than Sadaharu Oh"

Well, as I'm quite bored at this point in the night, I thought I'd go through all the trouble it takes to update - the veritable lack of effort required slides from my wildly-firing brainpan like burnt egg from Teflon.

I really haven't done much of consequence. I've been reading some of my textbooks for next semester; I finished The DC Comics Guide to Writing Comics. Now, if I'm right about the acronym (at this late - early, really - juncture, I can't be bothered to fact-check) and "DC" stands for "Detective Comics," then that title is The [Detective Comics] Comics Guide to Writing Comics. Rather redundant, really. I'm also mostly through Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art by Scott McCloud. As I've read this book I keep thinking back to all the things we discussed in my theory and criticism class, especially reader-response (McCloud's "Closure" and "Blood in the Gutter"), semiotics ("Icons"), and myth-criticism ("Cartooning"). I'm also nearly finished with Jane Eyre - I described this to my cousins last week as "inconsequential people doing inconsequential things" and James (having read it previously) agreed. It's decent enough, but it's painfully obvious how certain things will turn out, and Jane's attitude tends toward the anticlimax.

I got a few video games for Christmas, so I've been playing those - Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance; Final Fantasy IV Advance (actually, I haven't played this yet, because I'm so caught up with the others); and The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap.

I've played a great deal of Morrowind, and I think I'm fairly close to finishing the storyline actually - I'm already the master of all the groups I could join, and I'm just waiting around for Goldbrand to have all the Daedric quests finished.

I don't have much of a real interest to say, I guess. I could talk about my writing, but that seems reasonably silly, especially as I have so little done - just a bare 1600 words of a new story, and a few pages of another that I'll probably turn into a comic script instead. I suppose it's about time to ring off, then.


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