Thursday, June 17, 2004

The sickness. . . It grows. . .

I'm not feeling so well, really. My stomach's hurling itself about like a caged animal, and my head's beginning to ache. This is not so good.

In better news, I finished Eats, Shoots and Leaves today. It ended with a fabulous chapter on the modern evolution of punctuation; influenced as it is by the internet. Most of the influences are hideous and evil.

I also started Artemis Fowl, and as Rogue277 predicted, I like it a great deal. I'm in the third chapter just now, and if I didn't feel so terrible, I'd already be about decoding the symbols.

I also started The Hero with a Thousand Faces today, and found it's a commemorative edition that's just been released this year. Handy, that. I'm not out of Moyers' introduction yet, but he knew Campbell and his work fairly well, so it's not so tedious as some introductions by people not the author can be. The amusing story that goes along with this is: I got an email from someone named Kevin - he works in the EKU library as a researcher. Dr. Gray got ahold of him and sent him to me for my senior thesis. I presume she did this with everyone (finding them another person to help them with research) though I could be wrong. The first book he recommended was, yes, The Hero with a Thousand Faces. Glorious. Of course I told him I already had it; I mentioned the other books I'm considering background as well.

If the weather accomodates me (and given the outdoor nature of the planned activity, it depresses me that my hopes point to rain) I shall bring you amusing pictures - hopefully - from a little project.


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