Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Nothing much to do...

I mentioned my camera earlier, but it bears repeating; it is very nice, and I'm very satisfied with it. It's a Canon Powershot A60, with a two megapixel sensor, and 3x optical zoom. It comes with a bevy of interesting settings, so that's a bit of fun.

I finished The Legend of Nightfall today. And despite liking it, I feel it was a little too thick for what it was doing. A few too many words for not enough impact. A caught myself skipping entire paragraphs. And upon checking found a few could be skipped. Tsk. Still, very good, though all the resolutions come in a little tight chain, so the feeling of pressure that builds from the beginning really doesn't release until the very end.

I read more of Eats, Shoots and Leaves as well. I finished the section on apostrophes, and started/finished the sections on both commas and colons/semicolons. Ever since my senior year of high school I've known I was in the select few that empathized and loved the semicolon. At least someone knows as I do. And she wrote a book.

I started the book on fairies. It's very slow reading: it was published in 1966, so what was very readable at the time is still a tangled bog, really: being the nicest murderer in the jail doesn't make you a saint. Reading may go faster when I'm alone, we'll see.


Blogger Unknown said...

Glad you got your camera in. Could you remind me what the programs name was that you showed me that allowed you to see all the updates of blogs in one little window or something?

4:04 AM  

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