Saturday, June 12, 2004

"thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning..."

Well, I suppose I'm the picture of enervated psycho at this point. I've been trying, quite desperately, to go to sleep since around five this morning. Clearly, I have failed. At first it was the normal difficulty I have going to sleep (I rarely nod off as quickly as anyone else I've observed). But then I was forced to light a candle in the twilight, because lo! I had an idea for my book. So I wrote it down and extinguished the light (I have a table full of candles and matches next to my bed, including a large black candleara in the floor nearby).

Then it happened again. And joy, that time it was light enough to do it without the fires.

And again.

And again. Suddenly the entirety of my story is outlining itself in my composition notebook. Everything from spirit animals to recluse primitives, I'm refining everything and figuring out where to go next. I'm close to parsing out the death of the protagonist (mythological, not necessarily literal), and I'm probably looking at a Waste Land style, Parzival-worthy climax setting. Woo. Or something. Now why couldn't these things have come at some sort of reasonable hour?

Incidentally: anyone have suggestions for a sneaky, thiefy, backstabby animal that isn't a raccoon, a rat, a snake, a raven, a crow, a possum, or a mouse? Most of those are overused, and would hurt me. And the possums are just smelly. Ick.

I added a cute librarian girl that'll probably be tagging along. I named her Asphodel. Whee for names. I need a better name for the first town. Something that's not jackape stupid... Suggestions for that, if you've got 'em...

God, I needs the sleep. For to live...


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