Tuesday, June 08, 2004

pool eddies...

My head's all swimmy again. I really should be in bed, you know. I was sick last night and couldn't go to sleep for hours, so my body's mimicing last night. Thankfully, without the sickness of doom.

I've meant to mention for a while now what I've been downloading recently. If you haven't heard of OCRemix.org, you're missing out. It's collection place for all sorts of remixes - video game soundtrack stuff, specifically. Check it out. Especially for two Legend of Zelda mixes. "Ancient Hero" and "Pirates of Dragon Roost Island." Even if you haven't played the game (Legend of Zelda: the Wind Waker) listen to them, they're great pieces.

So Four Swords Adventures should be out by now... It's a bit maddening, really. I get the feeling it's another game that will really shine in multiplayer. But I'm not sure I'll have anyone to play with. It looks like SuperOpie is pretty durn busy with work and his band stuff, which he really should tell everyone about (glares), so he probably won't have time. I'll hit him up anyway if I get it before summer's out. I mean, I've already got Rebel Strike, which is supposed to have great co-op stuff available. And Tales of Symphonia's coming out next month. It also has interesting multiplayer options. Sigh, and all. And when I get back to school... Hm. Well, Russdur is purportedly not coming back to school, and n8 doesn't live on campus. Those are all my options. I should really get ahold of Zach, too. There are few people I know around here who are available, but he might be. If nothing else, it'd keep me from going the stir crazy.

This is a crazy mix... DJ Pretzel's final take on Revenge of Shinobi.

Of late I can feel the crazy stir coming on. I should play more Rebel Strike. I can't seem to get any gold medals. Damn it, I was the biz on Rogue Squadron. Curses...


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