News anchors are pansies... and can't talk in hypertext.
So what are the cool kids talking about over frappés? Probably not this stuff:
Security's usually a neat little thing. And this thing is too. You can't stick it on the wall and have it climb the ceiling. Yet.
If you're interested in this sort of thing (I'm looking at you, SuperOpie), Lionhead announced a release date for Fable. Looks like September.
In a general geek interest slot, we've got fat with a lot of nerve. Scientists turned fat cells into nerve cells, it would seem.
You've doubtless seen commercials for IBM's ThinkPad if you watch TechTV - er, pardon - G4TechTV. Here's an accidental testing of their "drop me" technology.
BBC News tells us that Universal has (dear God) optioned id software's Doom.
I've known about it for a few days, but have neglected to mention it here. If you're into that sort of thing (and who isn't?), Venus is transiting the Sun soon. The eighth, I believe, but don't hold me to that. Thing is, if you're in the Eastern time zone (you probably are if I know you), you'll have to be up at sunrise to see it happen.
Er. I smell a bit of a hoax, or something. Well, decide for yourself. He says his name is Eric Bruderton, and he's got a hotmail account. Reassuring, yes, I know. (sarcasm) But from what I've heard (you think I've been able to download the clip on a 56k? I'm working on it...) the video's realistic enough. So did some jacktard journalist decide to have some fun? Is it a movie preview from some smart-ass producer? If you elect not to try and download it, it's some soldiers being shot at by people with rocket launchers, and then returning fire (the summary didn't say what with). BoingBoing claims the static looks a bit fake, and suggested the movie thing.
Just bizarre. Japan as a whole is trying to get Japanese teens to have more sex, and they're not listening. Shame on them for going to "love hotels" just for the karaoke.
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