Thursday, June 03, 2004

Book list

Here's an attempt to list what I've been reading. Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth Well, that explains who wrote it, really. I'm still working on this, actually. I'm on the last chapter: I've been taking it slowly, so I can really absorb everything in it.

Next would be my fourth time through The Great Book of Amber. My favorite series ever, easily. Just in front of... why. The next series!

Then I started Elric of Melniboné. This is by Michael Moorcock, but you probably knew that already, given how I talk about them. I'd read this book before, and it's really neat on a second reading.

After that I read Endless Nights, by Neil Gaiman.

Sticking to Neil Gaiman, next I read Stardust. There's an illustrated version as well, painted by Charles Vess, but I don't have it. Sigh, and such.

Finished that day before yesterday. Now I'm reading (and am nearly finished with) The Sailor on the Seas of Fate, again by Moorcock.

After that, I'm going to make a concerted effort to finish up Campbell, and then I'll probably start The Skystone, by Jack Whyte. I started it once a little over two years ago. It's a "historical" piece on King Arthur. Think of the new movie: "What if everything in the Arthur stories were real, and in the proper time period?" As I remember, though, it seemed a bit dry, so I may go to something else. It drives me mad that I can't pick up any more Elric books easily. I'll have to fish through Ebay, trying to find copies. And I have books by Donaldson, an author I've always wanted to read, but I'm missing the first book in the series (I got these from one of my fencing teachers, Dr. Pierce).


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