Friday, June 04, 2004

More news, but then you expected that...

Lots of stuff happening in space and geology: greenhouse helped life evolve, so stop bitching about it, thanks much. Gamma rays won't turn us green, but they may signal a black hole. And Cassini's getting ready to enter the rings of Saturn for its four-year mission, so we have more pictures: storms. Opportunity's still trucking around the Martian landscape, and I've seen some wonderful pictures. My dad was amazed at the panorama shot I showed him, I'll see if I can dig it up. NASA has decided to send Opportunityinto an impact crater to study what it can find. There is a risk it won't make it back out, but they've considered that.

Two sources tell us that soon you'll be able to tour Chicago from a Segway. Sixty-five bucks for three hours on one? Fantastic. Oh, and you'll see some stuff, too.

A girl gets screwed by Hotmail, losing all her data. Forever. Whoops. Gives one pause. And a desperate desire for GMail.

No jacking around, I really think this is a very good step forward. Dropping the isolation that countries such as Iraq live under is an important thing for building up the world culture, Joseph Campbell style.


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