Saturday, June 12, 2004

Visual Thesaurus is quite an interesting little web site. Check it out.

In other news, I went to the comic shop in Morehead today. Nothing makes you feel like the truest of the true geeks like braving an hour of biblical flooding to get your nerd on. I bought The Doll's House, volume two of the Sandman collections. I paid twenty, and found when I returned home I could have paid thirteen for it from Amazon. Of course. So I have now determined that I'm buying the rest from Amazon. But in hardcover. Given that if I buy two at a time I can actually save money over buying them, in paperback, from a store, I think that's a good deal.

I also bought the first volume of a series of books Dr. Pierce, one of my fencing instructors, gave me. I was missing only this first book, so reading was thus impossible until now.

And finally, I bought these glorious plush dolls of Morpheus and Daniel. Because, who doesn't want to cuddle up to a selfish anthropomorphic personification? (It's a joke from the series - some of you might have read it.) And maybe we're going to Lexington this weekend. That could be nice - though buying books from abebooks is certainly cheaper, I can't really browse too well there.


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