Monday, July 19, 2004

A glorious number.

50,755, that is. That, in fact, is the number of words in the as-yet still-nameless satire thesis you all probably know about. If someone doesn't, here's a short version: I'm working on a senior thesis for college, as I'm a senior next school year (beginning in August), and I'm writing a novel. So I'm doing it in the summer instead of during school proper. More sensible than waiting, I'd imagine. Now, I've read the average novel these days run to around 60,000 words, so I'm near to finishing by that standard. I'm not going to cut off at that length, of course, but it still shows I've done a decent bit of work this summer. As far as I've been able to tell the plot itself is cohesive (as much as I want it to be), though heaven knows what sort of things my proofreaders will catch. It will serve grandly as a thesis, of course, dazzling all comers with my mastery of the monomyth (and my wall-hulling sense of humor, of course). After the proofreaders have at it with their fiery brands, and I work up the next bit, and then check in with said torch-wielders again (if they're still willing) I'm even going to try and publish the thing.

Incidentally, if anyone out there has an idea for a genus name for a coven of fairy witch creatures that trick people by casting illusions over themselves and using poison food, I'd be grateful for suggestions. I just had the crazed idea to reference Snow White in some way, but I've never read the Grimm version (aside from the Gaiman version the only one that would be useful for such things), and I don't really think there's much there to reference. Unless the queen has a given name of some sort. Actually, that'd be a great idea. Maybe I"ll pick up that copy of Grimm's next time I'm in Richmond.

I wonder what "Snow, Glass, Apples" is in Gaelic...


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