Thursday, July 08, 2004

Not much to say. I saw Spiderman 2 today. I'll probably talk about it tomorrow, when I'm not so tired.

I don't even remember where I read about this today... Some random journal or something. Anyway - I would hope everyone reading has heard of the infamous RealDoll by now. If you haven't, it's a ridiculously expensive "blow-up" doll. Quotes because you don't blow it up. It's supposed to be lifelike in lots of ways. Hell, Graham Norton dressed one up and picked up guys with it using a hidden speaker and microphone. And they've made an anime RealDoll. Fear it, and it's way too big boobs.

Also fear the Japanese ice cream flavors. Who wouldn't want a tub of "cherry blossom" ice cream? Or a quart of "horse" flavored ice cream, with "meaty chunks?"

We're having a blue moon this month. And here's an essay talking about real blue moons, wherein Krakatoa colors our lunar friend.


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