Friday, July 16, 2004

A short sort of post...

EA's making a Sims for the GameBoy DS. "The Urbz," as it's called, will actually come out on several systems, but the DS version will sport a lot of extras and some neat wireless multiplayer options.

Stephen Hawking changed his mind... Black holes don't swallow everything for ever and ever anymore.

A mildy interesting day... Not as tired as yesterday, so I guess I'm catching up on my sleep. And I walked up the road and talked to my cousin John for a few hours, and hopped back when a neighbor drove by and asked him to call the police. Apparently my relation Kevin, who owns the little building across the creek is in some sort of land demarcation dispute, and the police had to come by several times during the day, as people thought they would get violent. You could hear the yelling all up and down the creek, anyway.


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