Friday, June 18, 2004

A bit of a break - I can't write about killing fairies all night.

Miniature hologram projectors? Sure, we've got that.

Here's an odd article: countries are frustrated that people make hate sites. And they want people to stop. Er. How exactly do they plan to enforce these sorts of things?

Here's a short article on J.K. Rowling's new site, including one silly little fanfic writer who thinks the whole thing's a bad idea. "'Do most of us really care to have the record set straight?' she wrote, adding: 'The whole reason to discuss HP online is to discuss the what might have beens, the what could have beens, the possible pasts, and the possible futures.'" Yes dear, if I might say so, we do care. Just because you feel the things you write should be canonical doesn't mean all of us do.

Incidentally, if you're a Harry Potter fan with a nice anal-retention compulsion, this should interest you? Blaise Zabini, anyone? Here's the text:
Zabini, Blaise (wizard)
b. 1980
Slytherin 1991-98 (SS7)
Blaise Zabini's gender is now confirmed by JKR: he's a wizard. JKR passed the word along to the Portuguese translation team when they were working on revising the translations of the novels. (6/15/04)

A new fish thing has been discovered. Glorious. Now if they hadn't named it a damn "ratfish," we'd be in business.


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