Sunday, June 20, 2004

I suppose it's been an interesting day or two. Yesterday I rushed out of the house an hour after waking and drove to Richmond to see a movie. I, after much searching for a phone, picked up Kelly and took/dragged her to The Chronicles of Riddick. I thought it was absolutely fantastic. Kelly liked it as well, and claimed she wouldn't have seen it. Or probably wouldn't have, anyway. Then we went to Hastings and japed about until it closed. I bought Gaiman's Smoke and Mirrors too; it being a book of his short stories. Then I dropped Kelly off and headed for home. If anyone's interested, they excerpted Nicholas Was . . ., Gaiman's fantastic Christmas poem, on that site I linked.

Today hasn't been as eventful at all. I read more of Stephenson's Quicksilver, which I would recommend to everyone: especially if you have an interest in science (or at least the history of science).

I had a small row with my dad. Depressingly enough, over digital cameras. Yes, it boggles me as well. He claimed, and I quote, "I don't know why anyone would want a camera that doesn't take pictures." It doesn't help matters that he hates computers, so whenever I want to show pictures from trips or something he has to come and admit the thing exists. This is probably on top of the knee-jerk reactions I'm having now, whenever they make me print another picture for them. For people who hate computers like they do, they make grand use of them without bothering to learn about them. It's just silly, I think. But if you, the reader, happens to be curious, it's nothing lasting or terribly important. Ah well.

We also just finished watching Master & Commander: The Far Side of the World. Wonderful movie. It was neat to identify the parts of the first book they borrowed, and the story was one I hadn't read (having only read the first book).

I am once again stuck, story-wise, in a transition scene. They seem to be my bane, and an anathema to my productiveness. I am getting better though: the last took me five days to work through. (That's four days of never working and one of finally forcing my way through - it's a credit to what I managed to pull off that I no longer remember which specific section tormented me so.)


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