Monday, August 07, 2006

"you better you better you bet"

Well, I finished reading The Lies of Locke Lamora last night, and it was excellent. Probably the best book I've read this year. If you know me, you could have predicted this -- it's about a group of thieves in a fantasy setting, and I adore fantasy thieves, from Garrett (Thief video games) to my own lame-ass, Derik.

This book is definitely up there, in my library, with Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell. My final reactions were different, though. Norrell stunned me, like a punch to the kidneys. I seized for a few moments after reading it, as autumn tinkled away outside. I couldn't conceive of ever writing as well as Clarke, and the turns of phrase I could remember haunted me. Some still do, like all the references to "behind the rain." It's such a simple idea that I could never have come up with. I specialize, apparently, in over-complex crap.

Lamora, on the other hand, galvanized me. I wish I had finished it during the day, instead of just before bed, because I wanted to write, desperately wanted to write. It forced me to finally think about my second novel, especially as I've been having doubts recently as to whether or not to send my first novel around to agents. I guess I should, I mean, it's written and all. I don't think I'll ever do what Lynch did, but his fantastic stuff didn't oppress me. And I'm finally going to try and get off my ass and get some notes down about my city, Floren, so I'm not just using it as a backdrop. I made some good efforts after reading about Lankhmar, and maybe now I'll take it the rest of the way.

Also, I've never heard/seen/read anyone, not even Lewis Black, use "fuck" better than Lynch. Crazy.

Oh, and Lynch has a Livejournal he keeps up better than I keep my pair of blogs.


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