Thursday, June 24, 2004

Why, sweet readers? Why? Why are there people who don't understand the poor bedeviled comma? They don't know the glory it can add to a sentence. It's like a set of controls, keeping trains from barreling down the tracks at horrific speeds and finally leaving the tracks in a splintering chorus of screaming metal. Do you want your sentences to sing of screaming metal? Rending steel? Then use the comma; love the comma! It deserves your gratitude. It's shape is fine and fanciful; it reminds one of the pedals of a pianoforte: splendid music can become so much more when the pedals are called upon to shape the music.

Anyway. I need one of these.

The activity I mentioned last week? That none of you remember? I did it today. Pictures will be forthcoming tomorrow sometime. I should also have some scans from the new Nintendo Power. There's some quite interesting (and humorous) things to see.


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