Saturday, May 29, 2004

All right then. Up early, waking far too early. My uncle visited today, and I got up to see him. Far too early. (Eleven! Sweet Jeebus!)

While I was up late last night/this morning, I found something depressing. If you know me, you know Michael Moorcock's Elric series is one of my favorites. However, I haven't read all the books. And apparently, I won't, either. Amazon and Barnes and Noble both tell me all the books are out of print. Crap.

And here were some links I pulled from the BBC. First, unlike many authors,"Rowling backs Potter fan fiction". And then, agreeing with me, Daniel Radcliffe thinks Harry's gonna die.

Yes indeed, what did they preview at E3? A Cowboy Bebop game.

Friday, May 28, 2004

Two reasons Neil Gaiman's awesome and cool...

Neil Gaiman will be hosting a daily Halloween special on Fox come October, and he posted some shots from the filming:

Reading a teleprompter.

Taking a "nap."

So here's something interesting: Venus may harbor life. In the clouds, but that's still intersting, I'd say.

And if you like Dr. Who, you might be interested in Billie Piper.

First, I have a nice article from G4TechTV about Miyamoto-san's ideas for the GameBoy DS. And if you hadn't already seen the device, there's a picture there.

And from the same place, Leo tells us about VoIP, something I'm quite interested in. I mean, if nothing else, one could cancel normal phone services and use that money to pay for the cost of DSL. I wonder now how much we pay a month, exactly, for the normal phone bill. It's around twenty-five a month for my dial-up.


According to Leo over at The Laporte Report, Harlan Ellison turned seventy (70) today. Or yesterday, I suppose. The twenty-seventh (27th), anyway.

News of wonder: I e-mailed Wil Wheaton today, after reading a post there about his writing practices. I essentially asked him what he thought a productive day was. I got a response hours later, and it was fairly encouraging. I've told you guys (if you're actually coming in from the old LiveJournal) before that you need to be hitting his site, and I reiterate now. He helped me out a bunch, and I got more writing done today than I have in a week or so.

Thursday, May 27, 2004

A sad moment

Well, that's not cool, but it's possibly a good decision. One of the best jam bands, Phish, has decided to break up. It was nothing major, no arguments or anything, they just decided it was time. I didn't know they'd started in 1983, making them (as a band) my age.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

And I've been telling SuperOpie about it for a while now, so I give you Thief 3!

This article, from SpaceRef, is certainly interesting. Tiny microbes in really old permafrost? Neat!

Well, I did some research on the subject, and then Proteus9mm did good research, and the final decision is that feeding my blog into my LJ account is a no-go, since I refuse to pay them money. However, he informs me people on LJ can add this blog to their friends list. So the sort of people on LJ should get on that.

Things are looking even better.

I'd heard absolutely nothing about this game, until Tycho mentioned it in today's newspost. I'm all over it. I will be the damn king of swing.

Now I'm testing out the "Blog It" function of Abilon. It's a nice piece of RSS gathering software, but it came with a lot of default links I had to get rid of. I left some, like the LockerGnome news links and such. I wish I could find something that posted to LiveJournal and Blogger. Even better, something that would aggregate my Blogger posts and run them to my LJ account. Anyone have any suggestions?


Yes. I'd forgotten again. Yesterday (May 25th) was International Towel Day. So I offer this quote, pulled from my Abilon feeds:

"The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't."
-Douglas Adams

Trouble in Computer Land... again.

My my. thisis certainly interesting. But from everything I've heard, Longhorn's shooting for a 2007 release, not 2006.

A quick poll about a name.

If you know me from EKU, you probably know about my senior thesis. If you don't, it's a satire on fantasy. I've come upon my third character: he's a not too smart but not quite stupid swordsman. The latest in a long line of world-renowned heroes. I've got six choices that I think could be his name. Opinions, anyone? They are:

  • Yngvar
  • Raynard
  • Torje
  • Kelby
  • Hokan
  • Jensen

Also, if you can think of anything else that might be interesting for the character, please feel free to say so.

I thought you might like my madness, from summer a year or so ago. This'll probably be my user picture, if I can get it to work out. Posted by Hello

Whew. Lots of interesting things going down online, it seems. It's not surprising when net "peeps" whine, but groveling? For e-mail, no less? I know I desperately want a gmail account, but it's still in beta, and I have nothing to offer in exchange.

If you like Call for Help, you may appreciate Leo's tag line closers he's hosting on Leoville's servers.

I've finally become attached to Google's browser toolbar. I had a rocky history with this a few years ago. Not for any sort of functionality problem, but because I love my real estate when it comes to Internet Explorer. I'm known for sizing my windows perfectly so I can see an entire Penny Arcade strip in a window. (Full screen? Please - I hate that. It's "Windows" for a reason, people.) It was extending the space what's taken up by the top of the window. But I finally got rid of all the default buttons I don't use (such as 'History,' 'favorites,' and 'search,' among others) and mucked about with it. I really liked the rating bar. It references to the voting function Google offers, rating pages online, and gives it to you in the bar. But it was slowing the computer a bit during peak hours, since it had to head out to Google's servers for the information. The toolbar also offers me a button to bring up a Blogger posting window, same as LiveJournal's downloadable program. But Blogger's, unlike LiveJournal's, opens from Explorer and will include an HTML link to the page you're viewing. Easy enough to get rid of, and handy if you want to link the page.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

I thought everyone might enjoy a clip from this wondrous toon from Legendary Frog. Go here to watch the whole thing. And my caption for this photo? "On the battlefield!"  Posted by Hello

Monday, May 24, 2004

Oh yes. If you don't know him, go look him up, or hang out on Comedy Central for a few days. But guess what?Andy Kaufman Returns!

And like it says: it doesn't matter if it's him or not. It's extraordinarily fun anyway. What do I believe? That's a secret.

For now, I would point everyone here. It's my LiveJournal, and while I'm wanting to get to using this more than that, it's fairly convenient and all. So if you're interested in my past (blogging there since June '01) go check it out.

Just farking around with Hello's Bloggerbot function. Enjoy a picture of my "pet" squirrel that visited to eat my sophomore year. Posted by Hello