Well, I found this in a random LiveJournal, but it was originally bands and songs. But that's boring and very easy, so instead I'm doing authors and titles
Author: Michael Moorcock
Are you male or female: White Wolf's Son
Describe yourself: A Nomad of the Time Streams
How do some people feel about you: Weird of the White Wolf
How do you feel about yourself: The Condition of Muzak
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: Masters of the Pit
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend: A Cure for Cancer
Describe where you want to be: The City in the Autumn Stars
Describe what you want to be: Hawkmoon
Describe how you live: Wizardry and Wild Romance
Describe how you love: The Entropy Tango
I cut off "Share a few words of wisdom" because novel titles don't often work well for that, as they don't sound like natural speech.