Friday, September 24, 2004

A great little comic by Brian Bendis.

Watch Anne Rice go bat-sh#t.

Morphine? You've got that.

Twinkies going bankrupt. Why should you be reading Boingboing?

To die, to sleep; To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the carb; For in that sleep of death what Twinkies may come, when we have shuffled off this mortal Ho-Ho, must give us pause; there's the respect that makes creme-filled treats of so long life.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

It's been a while, but I don't really have much to say. I have a lot of links, though.

If you like Elric, Michael Moorcock, or fantasy in general, you'll need to check out these pictures of the kick-ass replica Stormbringer. It's listed as a special limited edition of 250 units with an estimated cost of over $2,000, so I won't be getting one. Alas.

Here's a great letter, from the computer industry to the film industry.

A great flash comic, called Attention Deficit Girl.

For fans of Firefly, I bring a site dedicated to all that pesky Chinese.

So the Oxford English Dictionary has collaborated with sci-fi peoples to compile a citation list. For the entry ansible:

Mike Christie submitted a cite from LeGuin, Rocannon's World (1966); this is probably the earliest cite or close to it. We requested cites from authors other than Le Guin or Card; Cheryl Yuhas submitted a 2000 cite from Elizabeth Moon's "Against the Odds" and Jennifer Broekman submitted a 1995 cite from Elizabeth Moon's "Winning Colors". Alexx Kay submitted a cite from a 2001 reprint of Vernor Vinge's 1988 story "The Blabber"; Malcolm Farmer verified this cite in the first edition. Enoch Forrester submitted a 1996 cite from L.A. Graf's "Time's Enemy".

I also picked up a copy of Dark City at Hastings for seven bucks, so that's on in the background. I forwent seeing Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow again, as I'd be out past midnight, and that would destroy me, sadly enough (silly schedule). For those of you that haven't seen it yet, you need to see it! It's fantastic - I can't say enough good things about it.