Friday, January 06, 2006

Really just a poorly-written post of little aesthetic value at all.

Blah. Well, I bought Trauma Center: Under the Knife and Sonic Rush yesterday for the Nintendo DS. They're both hella hard, which is cool, in its own way.

I spent most of today (and much of the day before) reading the archives of Questionable Content. It's a super-fun webcomic about a cadre of Indie folks - though one's really a lapsed Goth. It's very funny, but it made me sorta mopey. It has lots of cute Indie ladies, and it makes me want some Indie-lovin'. Really, just smart-lady-lovin', but anyway.

I think it would be interesting to list the things on my bed. These include, but are not limited to:

  • A bright red tie (silk - or silk 'n' stuff weave - Christmas present)
  • a pile of documents
  • a smaller pile of documents
  • the sountracks to both Blues Brothers movies
  • an ammunition belt full of harmonicas
  • a fife
  • an Irish skin drum
  • pillows
  • my snazzy green dressing gown (Christmas present)

    Well, the gleam from my wall-mounted swords pierces my fevered eyes, so I should try to go abed.

  • Thursday, January 05, 2006

    The Astro-Ham has my pants; together they dance like over-hyped cats in the back of a van with trampoline vats!