It's nearly time for possibly the nerdiest thing I've ever done.
What in the hell, you might ask, would be nerdier than LARPing?
I heard about this years ago from a professor, and I've always wanted to try it.
"It" is this: I am going to read The Lord of the Rings, rather, re-read it, keeping pace with the characters. Example: Today (now that it's past midnight), September 22nd, is Bilbo and Frodo's birthday. So, when I wake up, I'll read the long-awaited party. Then Saturday I'll read the next chapter, and so on. There will be a wait between the fording of the Bruinen and the council, for instance. The seasons will shift around me as they did the characters, and it will be fabulous.
Incidentally (obviously): Happy birthday, Bilbo and Frodo!