Saturday, June 24, 2006

All right, look here - this is getting ridiculous. I mean, I know Lynne Truss once said it was just sad to see someone with bookshelves full of books he'd already read, but still...

I should make sense of that for some people, I suppose. I think, at last count, I owned something like 200 books I hadn't read yet. Currently, looking about my room, I can see 12 that I've started and haven't finished yet, as well as entirely too many that I just haven't read at all. The books I've started include a collection of Shakespeare's tragedies, a collection of criticism on Shakespeare, a book on Old English language, The System of the World by Neal Stephenson, Grimm's Complete Fairy Tales, and the collection of Irish folk tales Yeats collected (a gift from Jessica, which I am, in fact, reading, if only in parts). It's also four in the morning, and this summer that's far too late for me.

Observances: A post-it about a possible Shakespeare paper topic (concerning who rings off in the plays, actually) is stuck to the wall above my bed; I have two short story drafts pinned to my corkboard, along with a note as to when the battle of Bannockburn happened (June 23-24, so yesterday and today, in 1314) and &c. Also, I notice one note on the corkboard is about who rings off in Shakespeare's plays, so I have no idea what I put in the note above my bed.

Of course, my vision is blurring, so I don't think I'll bother checking - I'm kidding, naturally. I'll check. But not until I'm in bed already.

That's enough of this.

Sunday, June 18, 2006


I haven't written in this for a while, and I suppose I really should take to it again. Perhaps I will. Mostly, you see, I've been writing fiction over the holidays - I wrote 26 pages of a story, realized it was rubbish, trashed it, and did another - with a few of the first's elements - which ended up at nearly 30 pages. It's less than fifty words shy of one magazine's cut-off point, actually, which is 10,000 words. This worries me - my novel is 70,000.

I'm working on a second, now - of course, I'm also trying to revise some older stories, submit to magazines, read my collection of Shakespearean criticism for classes fall semester, and look over the possibility of trying to get a PhD. - or D Ltt, or something. Maybe even a second M Ph, it looks like. I dunno. Either way, it's a weird time.

I "fixed" my camera, though - by "fixed" I mean "un-installed the drivers." It works perfectly now, so maybe I'll get some pictures up soon. Though, as normal, pictures will show up at my Blogger account, as the picture uploading thingie is much better. I may experiment with LiveJournal's version, though, so maybe that'll change. We shall see.

If you people still remember, I'd still like the occasional suggestion for my false encyclopedia. If you don't know what I'm talking about, it's simple: suggest, as a comment to any post here, a topic you'd like to see me cover in a false encyclopedia entry. Here's the only one I've gotten to do, as suggested by Maggie: Phrenology.

Oh, for anyone reading this on my Blogger account, ignore the bits about going somewhere else for pictures.