I need a shirt like this, and if you're cool, you need one too.
"SpecOps-27. Wordage is our business. Grammar is our game."
My life and my thoughts. As tech as I get, and books, and movies, and games, and anything else. Have fun, and come again.
I need a shirt like this, and if you're cool, you need one too.
Here' s a video over at Youtube. You should all check it out, it's fabulous. If you like Salvatore's Drizzt books, you'll really enjoy it, but even if you just like fantasy, watch it, it's very well done.
Now, this is one of the reasons I like the idea of re-reading Lord of the Rings along the calendar. We all know Frodo was stabbed, and that sucked, and it hurt a bunch. But it's never really gotten through (at least to me), just how long he spent wandering the countryside with shadow-knife stuck in him. He was stabbed on Oct. 6, late in the evening/night, which is today. He arrived in Rivendell on the 20th -- two weeks later. That happens in like two chapters of the book, time scale is lost. Even in re-reading today, I accidentally slipped in the events of tomorrow, when Strider returns from tracking the Riders and seeks the athelas. So I'll read that again tomorrow, and intersperse the travelling through the two weeks, I suppose.
I bring the links that make the world go round!
Do you have any idea how irritating it is to write a story and have to make sure, every time you use the word "dragon," the word "fate" can replace it sensibly?
Some of you may be interested -- you should all be -- but Someone made a cake shaped like the Great A'Tuin.