"let the cool goddess rust away"
Here we are -- what, week eight of summer holidays? Not much is happening just now, for me. The sticky thirst is pasting my mouth closed: I had a cup of ramen earlier, so that's about all the sodium I'll need this week. Cough.
I just submitted a paper to an academic journal: the paper's second, not first, submission. The first actually got a v. nice rejection, including a suggestion on the sort of journal that it would go well into. Heartening, in a way. I'm thinking of submitting a few more of my papers. I'm strangely sensitive about my academic papers, and yet I'm generally blithe and bonny about my fiction. I suppose fiction is famously more taste-oriented than academe (whether that's true or no, the image is widespread).
I need to get back to writing, as well. I haven't for nearly a week, and the last days I wrote were spent on a comic script, which is an entirely different sort of affair.