Oh, anime. You're the crazy guy on the corner; I just have to watch when you're around.
So, I watched Trinity Blood and Bleach yesterday. I'm sure the purists might bitch and moan, as Bleach has been popular forever, but they can go to hell. Trinity Blood excited me more, honestly. I usually like characters like the father's -- rather, the way he acts. It lends a sense of verisimilitude if someone aside from an unimportant walk-on or villain acts in a silly manner, but anime makers, on the whole, seem unwilling to let silly people just be silly. Vash is the best example, he's got, ooh, *depth.* Because, apparently, if you act silly but have depth, you actually switch between two modes like a socialpath.
Anime people: watch Doctor Who, season nine especially, and watch Eccleston. He's silly, he has depth, and he doesn't flip back and forth like an ass.
It's grasping at the brass ring of vampire crap, which has been played out for a very long time. Hell, most magazines put in their submission guidelines that unless it's extraordinary, they won't take a vampire story and longer. It's not extraordinary, but I'm not paying past my tv subscription rates, so whatever. The villain vampire was the stereotypical dapper-dressed, elitist "dhampir" ass-hat; he even said something like, "the thrill of the hunt," because the entire vampire trope isn't enough of a cliché. Regardless, decent fun, and I think Vash's old VA is doing the father.
Bleach. Oh, Bleach. What the hell were you thinking? I mean, I enjoyed Yu-yu Hakosho, or however it's spelled, but there was no call to do it again, with the Buster Sword. I mean, really. At least there's a reason the protagonist knows how to fight -- a crazy, martial-arts-obsessed doctor of a father doesn't make much sense, but it's better than, "Uh, he's a street kid. Get off my back, I'm drawing the redhead in another fruity pose."
I'm seriously sick of the whole thing where the protagonist is super-cool-powerful; that is, I'm tired of the creators jacking off on their pages and animating the dripping remains.
But wait! I'm not entirely full of vitriol. There's ham in there, too.
It may not be the creators' faults -- Funimation's dubbing Bleach. They did YYH as well, I believe. They're possibly responsible for such gems as "the soul society," though maybe that just sounded good to a Japanese guy, I dunno. Either way, the terms for things are atrocious. I used to be able to take a great deal of joy from "bad-ass good guy spending his time being bad-ass and having 'hilarious' problems in his social life." Cause, y'know, I used to watch Dragonball Z. Then Goku decided to stay dead, but didn't anyway, and I went to college. Also, the Fusion dance. Go to hell, Fusion dance. Special hell, the Dante section.
So, Bleach is probably all right. I didn't delete the tivo pass, anyway, so I'll have more episodes waiting when I come home in a week or so. But, really, whoever turned it into the playground of a three-year-old with a thesaurus? I blame you for cancer.
Good evening.