My first order from Abebooks came in today. Huzzah! I paid a meager $9.25 and got four books. They are:
Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash. I've read this before, but it was a copy my advisor, Dr. Rich, lent me. So now I've got my own copy. It's in about the same condition as the one I read before, so nothing terrible there.
I got two Moorcock books. The Cornelius Chronicles vol II and The Quest for Tanelorn. Tanelorn is book three in the Casle Brass series, so I can't read either given my lack of the earlier books. Well, I could probably read the Cornelius book, but I'll wait. I got these because I was lookng for the Stephenson book, and I checked with the bookseller for other books I wanted.
And the final book I ordered is William Gibson's Johnny Mnemonic. If you know me from EKU, there's decent odds you watched the movie with me, and remember how truly (and hilariously) awful it was. So, when I found they were selling the screenplay and the original short story for two bucks, I jumped on it. And I read the short story today. It is better than the movie. Incredibly so. I don't mean in the manner of Jurassic Park, I mean in the manner of nothing before. There is literally no comparison. And for those of you who've seen the movie and read Neuromancer (to my knowledge that's just Rogue277), you'll be interested to know the dumb wired girl in the movie was, in the short story, Molly. Yes, Molly of the burgundy nails and scalpels.